Ti 9.2.2021 – Maximize the business value locked away in textual data – Bill Inmon –

Tiistaina 9.2.2021, klo 16:50 (lobby, Teams meeting) 17:00 tapahtumaohjelma alkaa –

Teams meeting. Linkki lähetetään ilmoittautuneille ennen tapahtumaa. Link to be sent to registered participants before the event.

Sisään klo 16:50 alkaen – Teams lobby, aulatila,

17:00 Helsinki time – Tervetuloa! Welcome! – 8 am MST

Event program:

Learn the secret of how to transform textual unstructured data to a structured database, so that your organization can gain deeper insights by bringing unstructured data to the forefront of decision-making processes. –

Maximize the business value locked away in textual data –

Textual ETL transforms unstructured data into a format compatible with existing business intelligence infrastructure. Read, integrate, and prepare unstructured data ready to go into standard db technologies. Once the unstructured data resides in bd, standard analytical tools and BI visualization technologies can be used to access, analyze, and present unstructured data. When the transition is made from an unstructured to a structured environment, you can then apply Textual ETL to conduct robust sentiment, and non-sentiment analysis, across large volumes of information efficiently.

William “Bill” Inmon, author and technology pioneer, Forest Rim Technology

Bill Inmon

Best known as the “Father of Data Warehousing”, Bill Inmon has become the most prolific and well-known author worldwide in the big data analysis, data warehousing and business intelligence arena. In addition to authoring more than 60 books and 1,000s of articles, Bill has been a monthly columnist with the Business Intelligence Network, EIM Institute and Data Management Review. In 2007, Bill was named by Computerworld as one of the “Ten IT People Who Mattered in the Last 40 Years” of the computer profession.

– tapahtumamme päättyy noin 18:30. Our event ends at about 6:30 pm Helsinki time.

Registrations by e-mail: info@tdwi.fi. Mikäli et vielä ole yhdistyksen jäsen, mutta haluat liittyä ja samalla ilmoittautua tilaisuuteen: info@tdwi.fi


Petri Hakanen, puheenjohtaja

Perjantai 15.11. – Unmystifying Big Data – Customer Analytics – TDWI Finland jäsentilaisuus ja syyskokous

Perjantaina 15.11.2013, klo 8:00 – 13:00

Paikka: Katajanokan Kasino, Laivastokatu 1 Helsinki – Kenraalisali. (map)

Aamiais-aamupäivätilaisuus jatkuen noin klo 13 asti.


8:00 – 8:30 Aamiainen

8:30 Tervetuloa! – Yhdistyksen sääntömääräinen syyskokous

Keskustelut ja tauko

9:30 Esitys Unmystifying Big Data – Manuel Sevilla, CTO Global BIM TLI, Capgemini

Keskustelut ja lyhyt kahvitauko

11:00 Esitys Active Data Warehousing for Customer AnalyticsStephen Brobst, CTO, Teradata Corporation

Tilaisuus päättyy joustavasti keskustelun ja yhdessäolon merkeissä 13 mennessä

Manuel Sevilla is the Chief Technical Officer for the Global BIM TLI of Capgemini. Manuel monitors the Business Information market, works closely with the vendors to understand their roadmap and to be able to advise Capgemini customers on their strategic investments. As Enterprise Architect, with a very strong expertise on Big Data & Analytics, Manuel is used to design complete solutions that are actively part of the customer information system.

Stephen Brobst is the Chief Technology Officer for Teradata Corporation. His expertise is in the identification and development of opportunities for the strategic use of technology in competitive business environments.Stephen has been on the faculty of The Data Warehousing Institute since 1996.  During Barack Obama’s first term he was also appointed to the Presidential Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) in the working group on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD).

Sääntömääräisen syyskokouksen 2013 asialista

Ilmoittautumiset sähköpostilla: mailto:info@tdwi.fi. Mikäli et vielä ole yhdistyksen jäsen, mutta haluat liittyä ja samalla ilmoittautua tilaisuuteen: info@tdwi.fi


Petri Hakanen, puheenjohtaja