Tiistaina 5.4.2011 – Barry Devlin: From Business Intelligence to Fully Integrated Enterprise IT

Tiistaina 5.4.2011 klo 12 – 17 : From Business Intelligence to Fully Integrated Enterprise IT

Business Integrated Insight is a model that addresses all aspect of modern business

Paikka: Katajanokan Kasino, Laivastokatu 1, Helsinki (Karimosali) (map)

12:00 – Kahvitus
12:20 – Tervetuloa! – TDWI Finland, Petri Hakanen
12:30 – Barry Devlin
– 2 kahvitaukoa (15 min) – n. 14:00 ja n. 15:30
16:30 – Barryn esitys päättyy, keskustelua, virvokkeita
17:00 – Tilaisuus päättyy

Barry Devlin: From Business Intelligence to Fully Integrated Enterprise IT

The original Data Warehouse separated decision-support from day-to-day operations.  However, decision-making and action-taking are now tightly bound; business cycles are much shorter and span company boundaries. The Business Integrated Insight (BI2) architecture thus reintegrates all the processes and information of the business, starting from the DW and incorporating SOA, distributed access, web technologies, content management and specialised databases and more. BI2 is designed to evolve to full enterprise IT integration. It also addresses current BI issues: operational and executive BI, information discovery and innovation, and enterprise-wide decision management. 

– Technical and business rationale for a new architecture
– Structure and components of BI2
A new layered framework: People, Process, Information
– Implications of new database technologies – Hard and Soft information together, Big Data
– The role of SOA in ETL and metadata delivery
– Integrating unstructured and structured data
– Use of Web / Enterprise 2.0
– Practical steps to move from your current data warehouse to BI2

Esityksen pitää Barry Devlin, joka on yksi maailman arvostetuimmista asiantuntijoista informaatioarkkitehtuureiden osaajana ja kehittäjänä sekä luennoitsijana. Barry on kiistattomasti alan pioneereja maailmassa.

Ilmoittautumiset sähköpostilla: tdwif@hennax.fi. Mikäli et vielä ole yhdistyksen jäsen, mutta haluat liittyä ja samalla ilmoittautua tilaisuuteen: tdwif@hennax.fi


Petri Hakanen, puheenjohtaja