Tuesday 13.2.2024 – Using data domains for Data Governance – David Plotkin

on Thuesday 13 February at 15:50 (3:50 PM) Helsinki time. Teams meeting.

Tiistaina 13.2. klo 15:50 (Teams lobby) 16:00 tapahtumaohjelma alkaa –

Linkki lähetetään ilmoittautuneille ennen tapahtumaa. Link to be sent to registered participants before the event.

Sisään 15:50 alkaen – Teams lobby, aulatila,

16:00 (Helsinki time) – Tervetuloa! Welcome! –

David Plotkin – Using data domains for Data Governance

As your data governance and data stewardship effort matures, you will begin to hear more and more about the use of “data domains” as an effective means of managing and governing your data and managing it with a team of stakeholders. It is important to understand how using data domains works differently from the older methods of grouping data by line of business, what important problems with that older approach it solves, and why data domains require a robust and mature data governance effort. In this presentation you will learn:

  • What data domains are and what purpose they serve
  • How to determine an effective data domain hierarchy
  • How to establish ownership from all stakeholders across the enterprise for each data domain
  • The staffing and roles for managing data domains effectively
  • How the decision-making process works for metadata that is grouped into data domains.
  • How the data stewardship organization for a data domain is managed
  • Why data domain-based data stewardship really needs a robust and mature data governance effort.

David has over 30 years of experience in Data Governance, data modeling, metadata, and data quality. He has led efforts at employers and client companies to plan and implement Data Governance both as stand-alone efforts and as part of other initiatives such as Data Quality improvement and Master Data Management. He has previously managed Data Governance at two insurance companies and managed data quality at two large banks. He serves as a subject matter expert on many topics around metadata, data governance, and data quality.

– tapahtumamme päättyy noin 17:30. Our event ends at about 5:30 pm Helsinki time.

Registrations by e-mail: info@tdwi.fi. Mikäli et vielä ole yhdistyksen jäsen, mutta haluat liittyä ja samalla ilmoittautua tilaisuuteen: info@tdwi.fi

Tervetuloa! Welcome!

Petri Hakanen, puheenjohtaja

Wednesday 25.1.2023 – How to Select the Appropriate Approach to Data Governance – Robert S. Seiner

on Wednesday 25th January 2023 at 15:50 pm Helsinki time. Teams meeting.

Keskiviikkona 25.1.2023, klo 15:50 (Teams lobby) 16:00 tapahtumaohjelma alkaa –

Linkki lähetetään ilmoittautuneille ennen tapahtumaa. Link to be sent to registered participants before the event.

Sisään klo 15:50 alkaen – Teams lobby, aulatila,

16:00 (Helsinki time) – Tervetuloa! Welcome! –

Robert S. Seiner – How to Select the Appropriate Approach to Data Governance

There are three approaches organizations take to deliver effective Data Governance programs. The term “Data Governance” implies complexity, power, and control. Therefore, the approach that an organization takes heavily influences how the organization perceives Data Governance, and what it takes to successfully build and sustain your program. This session with Bob Seiner will change the way you look at Data Governance.

In this presentation, Bob Seiner will discuss:

  • Three Approaches to Implementing a Data Governance Program
  • Core Components That Must Be Addressed
  • A Tool to Select the Most Appropriate Approach to Data Governance
  • Why the Selection of Approach is a Critical Decision
  • How to Select the Best Approach for Your Organization

Robert (Bob) S. Seiner is the President and Principal of KIK Consulting & Educational Services (KIKconsulting.com) and the Publisher of The Data Administration Newsletter (TDAN.com). Seiner is a thought-leader in the fields of data governance and metadata management. KIK (which stands for “knowledge is king”) offers consulting, mentoring and educational services focused on Non-Invasive Data GovernanceTM, data stewardship, data management and metadata management solutions. Seiner is the author of the industry’s top selling book on data governance – Non-Invasive Data Governance: The Path of Least Resistance and Greatest Success (Technics Publications 2014) and has hosted the popular monthly webinar series on data governance called Real-World Data Governance (w Dataversity) since 2012. Seiner’s book has been translated into five languages (Dutch, Italian, French, German, Spanish) with two other languages (Chinese and Arabic) on the near horizon. Seiner also holds the position of Adjunct Faculty and Instructor for the Carnegie Mellon University Heinz College CDataO post-graduate program. KIK Consulting is celebrating its 20th year in business while TDAN.com has been actively published for 25 years.

– tapahtumamme päättyy noin 17:30. Our event ends at about 5:30 pm Helsinki time.

Registrations by e-mail: info@tdwi.fi. Mikäli et vielä ole yhdistyksen jäsen, mutta haluat liittyä ja samalla ilmoittautua tilaisuuteen: info@tdwi.fi

Tervetuloa! Welcome!

Petri Hakanen, puheenjohtaja

Ti 17.8.2021 – The relationship between Data Governance and the other Information disciplines – Chris Bradley –

Tapahtuma oli hyvä, erittäin onnistunut. Kiitos Chris, ja iso kiitos osallistujille!


The relationship between Data Governance and the other Information disciplines

– Chris Bradley –

The critical reasons why Master Data Management initiatives must have Data Governance in place. How Data Governance is supported by Data Modelling. Why Data Quality management and Data Governance are interdependent. Why some types of Master & Reference Data Management initiatives cannot succeed without components of Data Governance.

Original call:

Tiistaina 17.8.2021, klo 14:50 (lobby, Teams meeting) 15:00 tapahtumaohjelma alkaa –

Teams meeting. Linkki lähetetään ilmoittautuneille ennen tapahtumaa. Link to be sent to registered participants before the event.

Sisään klo 14:50 alkaen – Teams lobby, aulatila,

15:00 Helsinki time – Tervetuloa! Welcome! –

Chrisillä on aihealueesta laajempi kahden päivän koulutus, josta tämä esitys on yksi osio.

The relationship between Data Governance and the other Information disciplines

  • The critical reasons why Master Data Management initiatives must have Data Governance in place
  • How Data Governance is supported by Data Modelling
  • Why Data Quality management and Data Governance are interdependent
  • Why some types of Master & Reference Data Management initiatives cannot succeed without components of Data Governance

Chris Bradley,
Information Strategist, Independent Advisor & Trainer. Vice President Professional Development at DAMA International

Christopher Bradley has spent 38 years in the forefront of the Information Management field, working for International organisations in Information Management Strategy, Data Governance, Data Quality, Information Assurance, Master Data Management, Metadata Management, Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence.

Chris is an independent Information Strategist & a recognised thought leader. He advises clients including, Enterprise Oil, ExxonMobil, Saudi Aramco, Shell, Statoil, and TOTAL. Outside E&P he works with Alinma Bank, Riyad Bank, SABB, SAMA, Saudi NIC, American Express, ANZ, British Gas, Bank of England, BP, Celgene, Cigna Insurance, Emirates NBD, GSK, HSBC, NAB, and National Grid.

He is VP of Professional Development for DAMA-International, the inaugural Fellow of DAMA CDMP, past president of DAMA UK. He is an author of the DMBOK 2 and author & examiner for professional certifications. In 2016 Chris received the lifetime achievement award from DAMA International for exceptional services to furthering Data Management education & to the International Data Management community.

Recently he has delivered a comprehensive appraisal of Information Management practices at an Oil & Gas super major, Data Governance strategy for a Life Sciences Company, and Information Management training for a Government Organisation.

Chris guides Global organizations on Information Strategy, Data Governance, Information Management best practice and how organisations can genuinely manage Information as a critical corporate asset. Frequently he is engaged to evangelise the Information Management and Data Governance message to Executive management, introduce data governance and new business processes for Information Management and to deliver training and mentoring.

Chris is Director of the E&P standards committee “DMBoard”, sits on several International Data Standards committees, teaches at several Master’s Degree University classes. He authored “Data Modelling for the Business”, is a primary author of DMBoK 2.0, a member of the Meta Data Professionals Organisation (MPO) and a holder at “Fellow” level of CDMP and examiner for several professional certifications.

Chris is an acknowledged thought leader in Data Governance, author of several papers and books, and an expert judge on the annual Data Governance best practice awards.

– tapahtumamme päättyy noin 16:30. Our event ends at about 4:30 pm Helsinki time.

Registrations by e-mail: info@tdwi.fi. Mikäli et vielä ole yhdistyksen jäsen, mutta haluat liittyä ja samalla ilmoittautua tilaisuuteen: info@tdwi.fi


Petri Hakanen, puheenjohtaja

Ti 10.11.2020 – Data Quality Best Practices – Donna Burbank and Nigel Turner –

Tiistaina 10.11.2020, klo 14:50 (lobby, Teams meeting) – 15:00 tapahtumaohjelma alkaa –

Teams meeting. Linkki lähetetään ilmoittautuneille ennen tapahtumaa. Link to be sent to registered participants before the event.

Ohjelma –

Sisään klo 14:50 alkaen – Teams lobby, aulatila,

15:00 – Tervetuloa! Welcome! –

Event program:

Data Quality Best Practices – Tackling data quality problems requires more than a series of tactical, one off improvement projects. By their nature, many data quality problems extend across and often beyond an organization. Addressing these issues requires a holistic architectural approach combining people, process and technology. Join Nigel Turner and Donna Burbank as they provide practical ways to control data quality issues in your organization. –

Donna Burbank, Managing Director, Global Data Strategy, Ltd.

Donna Burbank is a recognized industry expert in information management with over 20 years of experience helping organizations enrich their business opportunities through data and information.  She currently is the Managing Director of Global Data Strategy Ltd, where she assists organizations around the globe in driving value from their data.  She has worked with dozens of Fortune 500 companies worldwide in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa and speaks regularly at industry conferences.  She has co-authored several books on data management and is a regular contributor to industry publications. She can be reached at donna.burbank@globaldatastrategy.com and you can follow her on Twitter @donnaburbank.

Nigel Turner, Principal Information Management Consultant/EMEA, Global Data Strategy, Ltd

Nigel Turner has over 20 years of experience in Information Management (IM) with specialization in Information Strategy, Data Quality, Data Governance, and Master Data Management. He has created and led large IM & CRM consultancy & delivery practices in multiple consulting organizations including British Telecommunications Group (BT), IPL, and FHO. Nigel also has experience in the data quality tools space as Vice President of Information Management Strategy at Harte Hanks Trillium Software, a leading global provider of Data Quality & Data Governance tools and consultancy where he engaged with over 150 customer organizations from all parts of the globe. Nigel is a well-known thought leader in Information Management and has presented at many international conferences in addition to writing numerous white papers and blogs on Information Management topics. Nigel provides education across the IM community, having lectured at Cardiff University on Data Governance and as an active member of DAMA International’s mentoring program, which he was instrumental in founding. He can be reached at nigel.turner@globaldatastrategy.com.

– Esitysosuus tapahtumastamme päättyy viimeistään 16:30.

Registrations by e-mail: info@tdwi.fi. Mikäli et vielä ole yhdistyksen jäsen, mutta haluat liittyä ja samalla ilmoittautua tilaisuuteen: info@tdwi.fi


Petri Hakanen, puheenjohtaja

Ke 10.6.2020 – Kehittäminen ja strategia – Datan lukutaito ja hallinta

Keskiviikkona 10.6.2020, klo 12:20 (aulaan, Teams meeting) – 12:25 (tapahtumaohjelma alkaa) –

Paikka: Teams meeting. Linkki lähetetään ilmoittautuneille ennen tapahtumaa.

Ohjelma –

Sisään klo 12:20 alkaen – Teams lobby, aulatila, tervetuloa

12:25 – Tervetuloa! –


12:30 Minna Kärhä, Head of Data, Finnair – case Finnair: Datan hallinta datan lukutaidon kehittäjänä

Kehittäminen ja strategia; datan lukutaito data literacy ja datan hallinta data governance.

Seuraava esitys alkaa 13:30. Tässä mahdollinen pieni tauko.

13:30 Teemu Laakso, CGI – Re-define Data Management: Managing it like any other business

The presentation is about how the fundamentals of managing data have already been solved 100 years ago. Somehow along the line we decided to take the “IT path” with data, which delayed the data revolution by 20 years. Now it’s time to listen the old transformation leaders!

– Esitysten osuus tapahtumastamme päättyy viimeistään 14:30.

Ilmoittautumiset sähköpostilla: info@tdwi.fi. Mikäli et vielä ole yhdistyksen jäsen, mutta haluat liittyä ja samalla ilmoittautua tilaisuuteen: info@tdwi.fi


Petri Hakanen, puheenjohtaja

Ti 24.3.2020 – Tiedolla johtamisen palvelualusta – Talouden modernisointi – Datan hallinta

HEI! JOUDUMME PERUMAAN 24.3. TAPAHTUMAMME KORONAN VUOKSI. Järjestämme tapahtuman heti, kun tilanne normalisoituu ja Koronasta torjuntavoitto saadaan. Olen pahoillani tilanteesta.

Tiistaina 24.3.2020, klo 8:20 (sisään) – 8:50 (tapahtumaohjelma alkaa) – 12:00 alkaen yhdistyksen sääntömääräinen kevätkokous

Paikka: Ravintola Vaunun auditorio, Pasilassa, Ratapihantie 9, Helsinki – karttalinkki – sisään Ratapihantie 9 ja portaat toiseen kerrokseen

Ohjelma –

Sisään klo 8:20 alkaen – aamiaistarjoilut

8:50 – Tervetuloa! –

Pidämme esitysten välillä pienet lämpimät kahvittelut ja verkostoitumistauot.


Juho Jyrkiäinen, Data-analyytikko, #Tietokiri Valtiokonttori – hanke ja case: #Tietokiri

AAnalysointi- ja raportointipalveluiden tuottaminen. Virallisraportoinnin automatisointi. Rajapintapalvelut ja yhteinen alusta.

Henrik Lähdeniemi ja Sami Metsärinta, HSolutions – case Evli Pankki: Talouden modernisointi ja yksi totuus

Talouden suunnittelun kehittäminen; prosessit, datan laatu ja raportointi. Läpinäkyvyys auditointiprosesseissa.

Minna Kärhä, Head of Data, Finnair – case Finnair: Datan hallinta datan lukutaidon kehittäjänä

Kehittäminen ja strategia; datan lukutaito data literacy ja datan hallinta data governance.

Pidämme esitysten välillä pienet lämpimät kahvittelut ja verkostoitumistauot.

– Esitysten osuus tapahtumastamme päättyy viimeistään 12:00.

12:00 – Yhdistyksen sääntömääräinen kevätkokous

Sääntömääräisen kevätkokouksen 2020 asialista

Kerrothan ilmoittautumisen yhteydessä, osallistutko myös yhdistyksen sääntömääräiseen kevätkokoukseen.

Ilmoittautumiset sähköpostilla: info@tdwi.fi. Mikäli et vielä ole yhdistyksen jäsen, mutta haluat liittyä ja samalla ilmoittautua tilaisuuteen: info@tdwi.fi


Petri Hakanen, puheenjohtaja

Pe 11.9.2015 – MDM ja liiketoimintahyödyt – Tietovarastoinnin automatisointi käytännössä

Perjantaina 11.9.2015, klo 8:20 – 12:00

Paikka: Microsoft (ent. Nokian pääkonttori), Keilalahdentie 2–4, Espoo – tietoa vierailijoille


8:20 – Sisään klo 8:20 alkaen – aamiaisbuffet

8:45Lyhyesti Tervetuloa! – Petri Hakanen, TDWI Finlandin puheenjohtaja

8:50Pekka Horo, Suomen Microsoftin toimitusjohtaja – Toimialan trendejä, strategisia linjauksia – Microsoftin kuulumiset

9:00 – Tomas Stenlund, Ineo Oy – Perustiedonhallinnan vaikutukset ja hyödyt hajautettuun järjestelmäkarttaan ja tietovarastointiin


10:00 – Kari Karru, Senior Business Architect, Cerion Solutions Oy – Tietovaraston automatisointi – Käytännön kokemuksia ja tulevaisuus

Tietovaraston automatisoinnilla liiketoiminnan haasteisiin vastaaminen, nyt ja tulevaisuudessa. Käyttökokemuksia jo 5 vuoden ajalta. Esimerkkinä Turun kaupungin tietovaraston kehittämispolku. WhereScape:lla tulevaisuuteen.


11:00 – Seppo Lampovaara, Kehityspäällikkö, OP-Palvelut Oy, Digitalisointiohjelma – MDM osana tietojen hyödyntämistä – mantrojen sijaan liiketoimintahyötyjä


12:00 – Tilaisuus päättyy joustavasti esitysten mukaan – Keskustelut


Ilmoittautumiset sähköpostilla: info@tdwi.fi. Mikäli et vielä ole yhdistyksen jäsen, mutta haluat liittyä ja samalla ilmoittautua tilaisuuteen: info@tdwi.fi



Petri Hakanen, puheenjohtaja

Perjantaina 28.1.2011 – Tiedon laatu – Quality of The Information

Perjantaina 28.1.2011 klo 8:30 – 11:30 – Tiedon laatu – Information Quality

Paikka: IBM:n auditorio, Laajalahdentie 23, Helsinki (IBM:n vieraspysäköinti Tietokujan kautta)

8:30 – Kahvit+aamiainen
9:00 – Tervetuloa! – TDWI Finland ja IBM, alkusanat
9:30 – Tiedon laatu, alustus + esitys (n. 50 min): Dario Bezzina, Ohjattu teemakeskustelu
11:30 – Tilaisuus päättyy

Esityksen pitää Dario Bezzina, Affecto Sweden, ”Data Quality Evangelist”, Data Quality Solution Architect and Business Development Manager
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